viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Ignatius in Montserrat

He hung up his sword and his dagger in the church… 
He took off his own costly garments and he then put on the pilgrim's dress…

Colgó la espada y el puñal en el altar…
Se despojó de sus vestidos y se vistió de peregrino…

IIC Pilgrimage to Montserrat

As part of their "immersion" experience, the IIC particpants went on a pilgrimage to Montserrat.
This was the transition day between the Autobiography and the Spiritual Diary.
After celebrating mass, all climbed up the mountain- by funicular or on foot.
There was a prayer in a cave that used to be an old hermitage.
Also picnic lunch, sharing, and contemplative moments.

Los participantes del Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana fueron de peregrinaje a Montserrat.
Misa, subida a las ermitas, oración, picnic, compartir, y momentos de contemplación, en el día de transición entre la Autobiografía y el Diario Espiritual de Ignacio de Loyola.

Multi-Generational and International Ignatian Encounter / Encuentro Multi-Generacional e Internacional

Last week-end the "Multi-Generational Retreat" took place in la Cova Sant Ignasi.
It is an Ignatian oriented retreat addressed to families with children. There were near 50 participants, 23 of which were young children from 12 to 4 years old.
Some of the children interacted casually with the Ignatian Immersion participants, showing a good level of English!

Eda from the Philippines offered beautiful rosaries to the young girls who showed themselves very grateful!.

Los niños del "Retiro multi-generacional"- un fín de semana ignaciano para familias- conversaron con algunos participantes extranjeros del curso de Immersión Ignaciana.
Eda, les regaló unas pulseras rosarios que había traído de Filipinas.
Encuentros ignacianos multi-generacionales e internacionales!