viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

IIC Pilgrimage to Montserrat

As part of their "immersion" experience, the IIC particpants went on a pilgrimage to Montserrat.
This was the transition day between the Autobiography and the Spiritual Diary.
After celebrating mass, all climbed up the mountain- by funicular or on foot.
There was a prayer in a cave that used to be an old hermitage.
Also picnic lunch, sharing, and contemplative moments.

Los participantes del Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana fueron de peregrinaje a Montserrat.
Misa, subida a las ermitas, oración, picnic, compartir, y momentos de contemplación, en el día de transición entre la Autobiografía y el Diario Espiritual de Ignacio de Loyola.

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