martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Pequeño manifiesto- Inmersión Ignaciana 2013

Durante 6 semanas, un grupo de 30 personas han realizado el 1er Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana en castellano, coordinado por Carles Marcet, sj. (programa completo :

Los participantes procedían de Colombia, Portugal, Ecuador, Bolivia, República Dominicana, Italia, Paraguay, España, Brasil, Francia, Méjico, Puerto Rico, y Líbano.
Nos han hecho llegar este "pequeño manifiesto".

Gracias a cada un@ de vosotr@s!


Pequeño manifiesto

Los participantes del curso de inmersión ignaciana vivido en Manresa durante un mes y medio, quisiéramos expresar, de una manera breve pero concisa, cómo nos ha ido en esta experiencia. La verdad es que ha sido entrañable, y ha sido un privilegio poderla vivir en este lugar tan significativo para nuestra espiritualidad compartida como es Manresa.
Veníamos a Manresa con el corazón abierto a recibir y a vislumbrar nuevos horizontes para nuestra vida y nuestra misión. También con unas inmensas ganas de beber en las fuentes de la espiritualidad ignaciana. Nuestras expectativas se han colmado con creces: hemos tenido un  baño rejuvenecedor en las fuentes de la espiritualidad de Ignacio que ha fortalecido nuestra salud espiritual, a la par que nos ha confirmado en nuestro apasionamiento por dicha espiritualidad.
De hecho hemos tenido un tiempo para todo: tiempo para profundizar en la relación personal con el Señor; tiempo para descubrir la obra de Dios en la persona de Ignacio de Loyola y en nuestras personas; tiempo para “pisar” los lugares que Ignacio pisó aquí en Manresa; tiempo para conocer internamente mejor el texto de los Ejercicios Espirituales; tiempo para reavivar nuestra identidad ignaciana; tiempo para vivir y compartir en grupo los diversos modos de vivir en Iglesia el carisma compartido… En fin, todo un tiempo y un espacio privilegiados para el encuentro con uno mismo en constante actitud de apertura para el encuentro con Dios.

El tiempo así vivido ha fortalecido en nosotros algunas convicciones:

a) En primer lugar, la certeza de que el Señor ha acompañado nuestras vidas, nos ha colmado de bienes y se ha configurado en el eje entorno al cual giran nuestras vidas y sin el cual andarían perdidas y sin sentido.            
b) En segundo lugar, un sano orgullo de pertenecer al grupo que quiere vivir el carisma ignaciano, implicándose en este mundo tan complejo pero tan amado por la Trinidad divina

c) En tercer lugar, una mejor comprensión de lo que significa ese motorcito ignaciano del deseo de “ayudar a las almas”, y unas ganas de vivir desde ese deseo, invitado por el Señor, en misión encarnada en el mundo y dejándose afectar por lo que viven, gozan y sufren mis hermanos.

d) En cuarto lugar, un sentirnos interna y apostólicamente más capacitados para esta “ayuda de las almas”, para este “cuidar de los otros caminantes” que el Señor nos confíe o pueda confiar.

e) Por último, una profunda admiración al poder palpar cómo Dios va tejiendo una vida y una historia de amor con cada uno de nosotros

Regresamos, pues, a nuestras tierras, cargados de esperanza y dispuestos a proseguir en el servicio de la misión de Cristo en cuerpo apostólico formado por laicos, jesuitas, religiosas, diocesanos, etc, conscientes de la urgencia y de la importancia de transmitir e ilusionar a otros con la vivencia de este carisma. Por eso le ofrecemos al Señor, con San Ignacio, modesta pero tenazmente, nuestro deseo que El disponga de nosotros a toda su voluntad. Y que nos de la gracia de cumplir su voluntad allá donde Él quiera, allá donde haya más urgencia y necesidad. Una palabra ha tenido especial resonancia en nosotros, la formulada por el fundador de Fe y Alegría: atrévete!; deja que Dios haga su obra en ti!

 Participantes del curso de inmersión ignaciana; Manresa,2013.

Experiencia del Seminario Intensivo de Ejercicios

Hoy ha concluido el segundo encuentro (26-31 Diciembre) del Seminario Intensivo de Ejercicios organizado por EIDES (Cristianisme i Justicia) y el Centro de Espiritualidad Cova Sant Ignasi. El tercer y último encuentro presencial tendrá lugar en primavera.

Una de las participantes comparte aquí su experiencia.

¿Qué está siendo para ti el Seminario Intensivo de Ejercicios?:

Ante todo, un regalo. Profundizar en el Libro de Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio está siendo para mí una ayuda en mi relación con el Señor, un abrir horizonte en la manera de encontrarle presente en la vida, dándosenos. Me está ayudando a ordenar todas las cosas para hacer espacio al amor que Dios nos da.

Entrar en esta Casa de Espiritualidad de Manresa es ya empezar a percibir que "el mismo Señor desea dárseme en cuanto puede" (EE234): en el Equipo que nos da el Seminario con tanta profundidad y unción; en los compañeros; en la Cueva en la que Dios derramó sobre Ignacio este legado de "amor y gracia" que hoy llega a nosotros; en el horizonte inmensamente bello en su amanecer y atardecer con las montañas de Montserrat; en la Capilla del 4º piso que es la Cueva de Ignacio hoy, que nos invita a ser espacio abierto, confiado para dejarnos alcanzar y llenar por el Señor; que nos invita a disponernos para escuchar, para dejarnos elegir; que nos invita a contemplar y dejarnos hacer como Cristo...

Está siendo también para mí una experiencia de Iglesia: compartimos el tesoro de la espiritualidad ignaciana un grupo de jesuitas, laicos, sacerdotes, religiosos/as de distintas congregaciones. Es algo muy profundo y verdadero lo que nos une, y hay entre nosotros una apertura que nos lleva a compartir nuestra vivencia de Ejercicios Espirituales, y nos enriquece en la fe y en el deseo de acompañar a otras personas para que también puedan encontrarse con el Señor en el camino que nos ha dejado San Ignacio.

GRACIAS por tanto bien recibido.

A ti, por tu testimonio.

domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Seminario Intensivo de Ejercicios

EIDES (Cristianismo y Justicia) y la Cueva de S. Ignacio ofrecen cada tres años un “Seminario de Iniciación” en tres periodos, dirigido a personas que quieren estudiar el libro de los Ejercicios para profundizar su experiencia de la espiritualidad ignaciana y / o para prepararse a acompañar las diversas modalidades de Ejercicios. Además de los tres fines de semana presenciales se incluye el trabajo privado en los periodos intermedios.
Organiza: EIDES (CiJ) y Cueva Manresa.
Colaboran: X. MELLONI sj, J. RAMBLA, sj.

Este año los encuentros presenciales son:
31 octubre - 3 noviembre 2013
26 - 31 diciembre 2013
11 - 16 abril 2014

EIDES (Cristianisme i Justícia) i la Cova de St. Ignasi ofereixen cada tres anys un “seminari d’iniciació” en tres períodes, adreçat a persones que volen estudiar el llibre dels Exercicis per aprofundir la seva experiència de l’espiritualitat ignasiana i/o per preparar-se a acompanyar les diverses modalitats d’Exercicis. A més dels
tres caps de setmana presencials s’inclou el treball a casa en els períodes intermedis.

Aquest és el grup d'enguany.




lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Activitats de Gener: Autoconeixement


Sovint estem absorbits per l’activitat, arribant a sobrevalorar el “fer” en detriment del “ser”. Des de diferents propostes convergents com són els models de mindfulness i de l’espiritualitat ignasiana, obrirem espais per a la contemplació en acció de la vida diària, a partir d’exercicis i pràctiques vivencials.
Asun Puche / 10 - 12 gener


Una proposta per aprendre a educar aquella forma d'intel•ligència profunda que articula i integra totes les capacitats humanes: la intel•ligència espiritual. A través de dinàmiques experiencials i continguts teoricopràctics es pretén oferir temps, espais, estratègies i vehicles d'interiorització que permetin concentrar-se, consolidar-se i obrir-se. Amb la finalitat d'identificar i activar els processos que permeten retrobar-nos per irradiar.
Isabel Gómez, Carmen Jalón (Associació d’Interioritat Horeb) / 17-19 gener


A través d'exercicis de consciencia corporal, d'integració emocional i d'apertura al trascendent, es pretén proporcionar l'espai i el temps en el qual puguin generar-se processos individuals i de grup, de descobriment d'allò que brolla de l'interior d'un mateix i de creixement personal, que tendeixin a unificar la persona.  També es treballaran els fonaments teòrics de l'educació de la interioritat.
Xavier Serret i Pilar Pajuelo / 24 – 26 gener.

Informació i matrícula: -
Camí de la Cova s/n  08241 Manresa (Barcelona) - Tel. + 34 93 872 04 22
Twitter: @CovaSantIgnasi

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Mi llegada a Manresa / Al dejar Manresa (por George Ponodath, sj)

Traducción de pasajes seleccionados del escrito de George Ponodath, jesuita de la India.
Paticipante del Ignatian Immersion Course 2013 (Inglés) que ha compartido con nosotros su vivencia al llegar y al dejar Manresa. Muchas gracias, George!

"Mi llegada a Manresa:
Cada paso era algo especial porque sentía constantemente que una gran persona, un santo había caminado en este lugar.

Andaba tan suave y reverencialmente como podía.

La Cueva..., ese lugar que vio la transformación espiritual de un soldado, Iñigo.

Sobrecogido por la historia y el misterio divino del lugar, me senté allí, en esa serenidad, por largo rato, permitiendo la vibración espiritual en lo profundo de todas las células de mi ser.

Al dejar Manresa:  [6 semanas después]

Había otra voz profundamente interior que decía que el espíritu de la hierba, de las flores, árboles, piedras y granos de arena habían tocado mi espíritu y que yo había disfrutado de su compañía y que hasta la eternidad no nos volveríamos a ver.
¿Cómo podia irme sin decirles “gracias y adios”?

Un pájaro llamó a su compañero. Volaron hacia mí. Estaban en camino; yo también estaba en camino; de hecho, el universo entero estaba en camino y este camino no acabará hasta que finalice en su Creador.

¿Vi a Dios en la naturaleza?. ¿Es esto los inicios de lo que Ignacio llama contemplación para alcanzar amor? ¿Es esto lo que significa cuando decimos “ver a Dios en todas las cosas y todas en Dios”?

No lo sé; algo me tocó y he cambiado. No puedo nombrarlo. Sabe bien; trae lágrimas de alegría a mis ojos y por ello digo desde las profundidades de mi corazón: “Gracias Señor por las flores, la hierba, los arbustos, las piedras, los guijarros y los granos de arena preciosa. Gracias por los pájaros, el viento, el sol y las nubes- gracias por la tierra que has dispuesto para mí. Muchas gracias.”
El día siguiente dejé Manresa, dejando una parte de mí allí!"

Leaving Manresa (by George Ponodath, sj)

In these lines George Ponodath, sj shares with us his experience and reflections when leaving Manresa, after  6 weeks in the Cave as a participant of  the Ignatian Immersion Course, spring 2013.

"Leaving Manresa.

It is a difficult experience to leave a person that you love and to think that we will never meet again. But what about places? Have you felt bad when you left a place that you liked? Surely. But have you paused to ponder why and what to do about it? That was my experience leaving Manresa.
There were several places in Manresa itself that I felt nice about – the chapel of Our Lady of the way ( I could not go inside but just sat outside), the Basilica, the Light Well, the hill top opposite the cave, the river side, the waters of Cardoner and of course the Cave of Ignatius itself. Within these generalizations there are particular places that I sat and enjoyed nature, let my spirit commune with the divine, sang a song in the silence of my heart, took a pebble and looked at it in wonder and reverence, caressed a flower, looked at a stem of grass swaying in the wind and wondered about the marvels of nature. There were trees under which I took shelter from the sun, or looked at their leaves and branches dancing to the music of the wind. Now that I am leaving Manresa I thought I should say good bye to these places and some of the objects that attracted me.
My rational mind ridiculed the idea – ‘how can you say “good bye” to a dumb tree or a flower or a grass? It is ridiculous; it is naïve and archaic’. There was another voice deep within which said that the spirit of the grass, the flowers, trees, pebbles and the grains of sand had touched my spirit and I had enjoyed their company and for eternity we will never see each other again. I will never meet that blade of grass or that violet coloured flower that sprouted from the crevice of the rock. How could I ever go away without saying “thank you and good bye” to them? These had helped lift my spirit move towards a different plane. I should say “good bye”. It is only good manners! And so I set out.
On the roadside there were yellow flowers of different sizes swaying in the wind. I looked at them and said, “good bye, we will never meet again but thank you for being what you are” and I proceeded. There were ‘weeds’ all over, swaying in the wind and I ran my hand over them as I walked and said the same. Then came the pebbles on the road and the small grains of sand, the tiny flowers in pink and red and white. I paused, looked at them and believe me, they seem to look at me with curious eyes. I said, “thank you for being what you are; you have touched my life and I have changed”. A mild wind came and they danced as if replying me in silence. I could have stayed there for a long time but I left and on the way I had more friends – the grass, the weeds, the thorny flowers, the red flowers, the orange ones and the white ones – all seemed to be happy to see me and I was being overwhelmed by their presence, attention and happiness.  And yet I had to tell them that I have to go and we would never meet again. That was tough both for me and for them too, I guess. At last I reached the hill top. There was a strong breeze from the south; the grass made patterns in their swaying to the wind. I paused. I enjoyed both the breeze and the swaying of the grass. I sat under the shadow of small shrub. Thanked the shrub for the shadow and enjoyed the breeze. A bird called out to its companion. They flew over me. They were on a journey; I too was on a journey; in fact the whole universe was on a journey and this journey would not end until it ends in its Creator.
I sat there; looked deeper into the earth and to my surprise noticed tiny grass, flowers and plants that were so beautiful – everything seemed to be beautiful now – grass dancing in the wind; flowers soaking in the western sun peeping through the clouds; birds – some in flight, some chirping in the bush. This was a microcosm, the whole of the universe laid out for me to reach the Almighty. It was too much, too little time to say anything properly. As Tagore would say, ‘the song that I came to sing remained unsung’. The veena of my heart was not tuned to accompany my song. And so I got up and traced my steps back. On the way I could see and feel my friends looking at me from the nooks and crevices of the rocks – some call them flowers or weeds; but I call them companions on the journey. Finally with a heavy heart that is not satisfied with what it had done, I traced my steps back to the residence.
Did I see God in nature? Is this the beginnings of what Ignatius calls contemplation to obtain love of God? Is this what we mean when we say, ‘seeing God in everything and everything in God’?
I do not know; something touched me and I have changed. I cannot name it. It feels good; brings tears of joy to my eyes and so I say from the depths of my heart, “Thank You Lord for the flowers, the weeds, the shrubs, the grass, the stones, the pebbles and the grains of precious sand. Thank you for the birds, the wind, the sun and the clouds – thank you for the earth that you have laid out for me. Thank you so much”.
The next day I left Manresa, leaving a part of me there!"

Thank you George!

Entering Manresa (by George Ponodath, sj)

An entry by George Ponodath, Jesuit from India, where he shares his experience when arriving to Manresa for the first time as a participant of the Ignatian Immersion Course 2013 (English).
Thank you, George!

"When I went to Manresa

For a person from a very congested concrete jungle that is Kolkta, Manresa was heaven on earth! Clear blue skies, clean air, blue hills and vast open spaces were bewitchingly inviting and invigorating. Add to that the historical significance Manresa for a Jesuit and the cocktail is heady – both physically and spiritually. After a journey that lasted about 14 hours and several time zone changes, I needed to sleep and I slept in the quietude of Manresa – probably one of the soundest slumbers of my life.

I woke up late the next morning, had a refreshing shower followed by a light breakfast and went out for a walk. Every step was something special because I constantly felt that a great person, a saint had walked on this place and I did not feel quite comfortable treading where saints had trodden. I am not worthy, I told myself and yet some spirit was nudging me to go on. I reached the Roman bridge over river Cardoner. I paused, touched the earth beneath,  put those fingers to my forehead as a mark of reverence and stepped on the bridge as if I were approaching the tabernacle. Yes, St. Ignatius would have crossed this bridge several times during his stay in Manresa. I walked as gently and reverently as I could. The spirit of Ignatius was there – the water flowing below, the rocks, the birds, the swaying trees and the gentle breeze – all seem to speak of him, that saintly man in sack cloth! I crossed the road and headed towards the tiny chapel on the slopes of the hillock. As the chapel was closed I touched its old wooden doors gently, the saint would have definitely touched it. He would have visited this chapel of Our Lady of the way several times. He would have spent several devout hours in and around it; he would have poured out his heart at her feet. I sat outside in the cool shadow of the tree and let my spirit mingle with the atmosphere around. Tranquility, peace and purity reigned supreme.

After sometime, soaked in a deep sound of silence, I walked up the hillock. The path was rough, unpaved and lonely. Perhaps all paths in Manresa were like this at the time of Ignatius. He must have walked this path – limping and yet buoyant with the spirit of God. The swaying of the tiny grass, the purple lilies and those pink wild flowers were mesmerizing along the path. An occasional chirping of a tiny bird and the whistling of the willow along the path interrupted the otherwise silent atmosphere. I sat on a rock and looked east. There in the distance is the red carpet of wild poppy flowers leading as it were to Montserrat – beautiful, majestic, mysterious and yet inviting. I looked west. There is today’s Manresa, sleepy and yet alive; there is La Seu, the imposing basilica, standing as a mute witness to the making of a saint. There is the Ignatius Spirituality Centre, hiding in its bosom, the Mecca of the Jesuits, the Cave that saw the spiritual transformation of a soldier, Inigo. Overwhelmed by history and divine mystery of the place I sat there in that serenity for a long time, letting the spiritual vibration deep into all the cells of my being".

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Próximas actividades de fín de semana (Diciembre y Enero)

La práctica de la atención plena (mindfulness) es una herramienta para reforzar la vida interior, las relaciones interpersonales y el aumento del bienestar. El taller es una breve aproximación neurocientífica y práctica al entrenamiento de algunas habilidades esenciales de la mente. Fortalecer la atención y la conciencia corporal para mejorar la capacidad de identificar lo que sucede dentro de nosotros (emociones, pensamientos y sensaciones corporales) y así aprender a regular nuestras acciones y comportamientos en el día a día.
Joana Mateu Adrover / Viernes 13 (15 h30) a 14 (16h) Diciembre.

A menudo estamos absorbidos por la actividad llegando a sobrevalorar el “hacer” en detrimento del “ser”. Desde diferentes propuestas convergentes como son los modelos de mindfulness y de la espiritualidad ignaciana abriremos espacios para la contemplación en acción de la vida diaria a partir de ejercicios y prácticas vivenciales.
Asun Puche Echegaray / 10-12 Enero.

Una propuesta para aprender a educar aquella forma de inteligencia profunda que articula e integra todas las capacidades humanas: la inteligencia espiritual. A través de dinámicas experienciales y contenidos teórico-prácticos se pretende ofrecer tiempos, espacios, estrategias y vehículos de interiorización que permitan concentrarse, consolidarse y abrirse. Con la finalidad de identificar y activar los procesos que permiten reencontrarnos para irradiar.
Isabel Gómez y Carmen Jalón (Asociación de Interioridad Horeb) / 17-19 Enero

A través de ejercicios de conciencia corporal, de integración emocional y de apertura al trascendente, se pretende proporcionar el espacio y el tiempo en el que pueda generarse procesos individuales y de grupo, de descubrimiento de lo que brota del interior de uno mismo y de crecimiento personal, que tiendan a unificar a la persona. También se trabajarán los fundamentos teóricos de la educación de la interioridad.
Xavier Serret y Pilar Pajuelo / 24- 26 de enero

Información y matrícula: -
Camí de la Cova s/n  08241 Manresa (Barcelona) - Tel. + 34 93 872 04 22


domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Welcome to the Participants of the Ignatian Immersion Course in Spanish

The Cave of Saint Ignatius welcomes the participants of the First Ignatian Immersion Course in Spanish, who are coming from Colombia, Portugal, Ecuador, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Paraguay, Spain, Brazil, France, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Lebanon.

During 5 weeks, 15 women and 15 men- lay, religious sisters, Jesuits and a diocesan priest- will share and will deepen Ignatian spirituality through study, reflection, prayer, liturgy, pilgrimage and visits to relevant places. And they will do so, immersed in the cave in Manresa where Ignatius of Loyola experienced a profound and transforming encounter with God.

Bienvenida a los participantes del 1er Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana en castellano

La Cova de Sant Ignasi da la bienvenida a los participantes del primer Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana en castellano, procedentes de Colombia, Portugal, Ecuador, Bolivia, República Dominicana, Italia, Paraguay, España, Brasil, Francia, Méjico, Puerto Rico, y Líbano.

Durante 5 semanas, 15 mujeres y 15 hombres- laicas, y laicos, jesuitas, religiosas y un sacerdote diocesano- compartirán y profundizarán la espiritualidad ignaciana a través del estudio, reflexión, oración, liturgia, peregrinaje y visitas a lugares significativos. Todo ello, inmersos en la cueva de Manresa donde Ignacio de Loyola vivió un profundo y transformador encuentro con Dios.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Immersed in Love

An article by Camille Devaney, from Chicago, a "companion on the journey" in our last 2013 Ignatian Immersion Course. She is an active member of Ignatian Volunteer Corps and her reflections on her experience have been published at their blog:

Immersed in Love

How to describe this experience..?

The brochure on the Immersion course was quite clear: a) learn more about the man Ignatius; b) have a guided 8-day retreat; c) walk some of the streets/paths he walked; d) experience the cave at Manresa, the river, the holy mountain, the chapel of conversion; e) read and try to comprehend some very “heady” material presented by very passionate and talented writers. All this at a fairly reasonable, all-inclusive cost of approximately $53 per day. The above is all true but does not begin to capture the lived reality of the immersion experience.

What happened for me and the members of our pilgrim group was an experience of profound grace. It was now me walking the walk, climbing the mountain, savoring the sounds and tastes, breaking bread as an inclusive family, and experiencing moments of unconditional love. Am I being too dramatic or flamboyant in my description? Maybe, but how does one explain 35 total strangers from 14 different countries—ordained, lay and religious men and women—becoming not only friends but truly becoming a community and companions on a journey?

I was awed by the hospitality we received at the Jesuit communities in Manresa, Loyola, Javier: At each place we stayed, the men greeted us warmly and extended their homes to us freely, saying “Welcome, our home is your home.” Our personal guide, a Jesuit responsible for 35 individuals, did everything humanly possible to support us and make us feel loved and accepted. Every day, our guide was at the service of everyone in this way.

Blessings Received

This experience was marked by many moments of grace. Walking the camino (road) from Monserrat to Manresa, my companions and I sometimes spoke, sometimes walked in silence in private prayer. At one point, we talked about the friendship of Ignatius and Peter Faber, Ignatius’ first companion, who once walked this same road together. Ignatius and Faber were focused on their mission to save souls (through the teaching of the Exercises), but because they were always on foot, they also had the blessed opportunity to commune with nature and with one another. These men, like us, were pilgrims on a journey, “finding God in all things and all things in God.”

There were many graces in community. Each day a name from our group was picked and posted in the chapel and dining room as this person’s day and country to be prayed for. Amazingly, my day happened to be in the middle of our silent retreat, on a day when my heart was aching because I wanted to be home for my granddaughter’s First Holy Communion but I was on pilgrimage and wanted this as well. This was confirmation to me and provided a deep consolation that I was where God wanted me.

If you are in IVC we all know the Suscipe (“Take, Lord, and receive all I have and possess…”). During this immersion experience, through our talks, lectures, and prayer times, I understood much more deeply how the Father, through the Son, has given All to us so that, in the words of Scripture, His love is fulfilled in us and us in Him. Such experiences and understandings are difficult to put into words.

Returning Home

Besides missing my family and friends while I was away, I also really missed my resident-friends at Pavilion and Bayside nursing homes, where I serve with IVC. When I returned to Bayside for the first time last week for a surprise visit, I was hugged and kissed by so many people. They surrounded me saying “Where were you?” and “We are glad you came back!” Right there, I was in the presence of the Divine. I joined the Bayside community for Mass that day and our celebrant Fr. Jake’s words made me know again this is where I belong this is where I find God.

One day, in leading a session on Ignatius’ Contemplation to Attain Divine Love, Cecil Azzopardi, SJ, our retreat master, said that to know and experience the love Ignatius speaks about only happens when we are in Service to another. We can do service for many reasons—guilt, obedience, to feel good, etc.—none of which are bad. But True Love in only manifest in Loving Service which sees and experiences the Other as God/Love. This Ignatian immersion experience has returned me back home, to my family and friends, to the IVC, with more love to give and receive.

I invite you to come, taste and see this experience. Information on this course can be found at

Thank you Camille!

A New Beginning

An article from Claire Bangasser, a "companion on the journey" from our last 2013 Ignatian Immersion Course. Published in her blog: :

A New Beginning

"Paul and I are just back from six weeks in Manresa, Spain, where we were invited to go deeper into Ignatius' autobiography and spiritual diaries, the sources of his Spiritual Exercises and how they developed over his lifetime; some of his letters; the origins and foundation of the Society of Jesus; its first Companions; its voluminous archives (Monumenta); its Constitutions; and, finally, Ignatian spirituality for today. Add to this daily morning prayers and evening masses, an eight-day silent retreat the second week, and a walking tour of Manresa where Ignatius lived nine months in 1522-23 (there he prayed, fasted, worked, meditated, had visions, and fell sick...), and trips to Montserrat, Loyola, Javier, and Barcelona.

We were thirty-five participants from fourteen different countries (with large contingents from India, the Philippines, Australia, and the U.S.). Our youngest member turned 32 during the Course and the older participant was 76. A majority of men and Jesuits, some religious sisters, a few laypeople and just one couple, Paul and me.

The Course was made of seven modules, the second one being the silent retreat, with one transition day in-between each. Those days were meant to help us process all that had been given to us (e.g. the medieval origins of the Autobiography, connecting the Spiritual Exercises with mysteries in our faith; the personalities of Ignatius' first companions; the importance of Juan de Polanco in the creation of the Society of Jesus, his importance as well in the writing of the Constitutions and Ignatius' very unique style of participative management. Finally, the new cosmic theology and new ways of looking at Jesus' teachings (e.g. table fellowship, inclusiveness and openness to sinners and marginalized folks).

Our lecturers are all University teachers, whether at the University of Barcelona, Javier Melloni SJ (a scholar and writer of many books, involved in inter-denominational dialogues); Jose García de Castro, from Comillas University in Madrid, with an insatiable love for archives and books, able to pass on his passion for old papers and the first Jesuits; Carlos Coupeau, SJ, from both Boston U. and the Gregorian University in Rome, who helped us understand the composition and intent of the Constitutions; and finally George Pattery SJ, from Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth in Pune, India, who introduced us to a cosmic vision of the Spiritual Exercises, bringing together Ignatius’s cosmic experience on the banks of the river Cardoner with Teilhard de Chardin’s very own understanding.

This time out-of-time was made possible thanks to the support and care of Josep Sugranyes SJ, the Director of the Course, Joachi Salord SJ a wonderful patient and ever smiling shepherd to us all, and Asun Puche, the Course’s feminine smile and intelligent presence.

Dear to everyone of us, as well,  were the women in the kitchen who fixed three meals a day and two snacks, making sure we could sustain those brains of ours so heavily taxed at times. Teams of us worked along them, clearing and setting tables, and drying dishes. Our Spanish improved at their side; we even caught a couple of Catalan words.

I come back with my head filled with images of young noble men giving up their wealth and station in life to walk thousands of miles across Europe, begging on the way, their hearts filled with love for Godde and her creation. Finding Godde in all things...

I think of the many women who helped Ignatius all throughout his life, the very first persons who were guided by him through his Spiritual Exercises, those who cared for him when he was on death’s doorsteps, who paid for his studies and his many journeys, many of these women asking him to become a Jesuit themselves.

My heart is filled with the graces of many moments, looking out to the mountains of Montserrat, inspired with a Spirit of openness, adventure, and longing. I catch myself humming songs sung every day or for special moments. I remember holding Ignatius’ begging bowl...

We drove home with boxes of books to read and a list of more to buy, papers and lectures to process and digest, a longing for prayer, quiet times, long walks, and notes to write.

Many times in Manresa I wondered what I had done to deserve such a blessing and grace to be there in the very place where he had prayed, met Mary and Jesus or understood the Trinity. I hope to share some insights received here, because I cannot stand the idea of keeping all this to myself.

Blessings and joy."

Thank you Claire! And Paul!

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

2014 Ignatian Immersion Course (4th Year, English)

We are pleased to announce that registrations for the next Ignatian Immersion Course (English) are now open.
Dates for the Course are: 27th April to 7th June 2014.

 Application forms may be requested from:

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana en castellano (3 Noviembre-14 Diciembre 2013)

Después de tres ediciones del curso en inglés, se inicia el próximo mes de noviembre, en la Cueva de San Ignacio en Manresa, el primer Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana en castellano.

Para mayor información y para solicitar plaza escribir un email a Carles Marcet sj, Coordinador:

Ignatian Immersion Course 2013: A Report from Australia

In April this year, the Australian Province provided Shane Hogan, former Headmaster of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, with the opportunity to attend a six-week retreat program in Manresa, Spain. This is his report:

In mid April this year, 34 people gathered in Spain for the Third Ignatian Immersion Course offered by the Centre of Spirituality in Manresa. Attending the course were people from 15 countries across five continents. Twenty of the participants were from non-English speaking backgrounds.

The group was very diverse. It included lay people, religious sisters, people of different Christian denominations and a very varied group of Jesuits: some former Provincials, some current Masters of Novices, theologians, and pastors. 

And while we were indeed a varied group, we were all part of the worldwide Ignatian family. 
‘Companions on a Journey’, apart from being sung often, was a most appropriate description of the experiences we shared at Manresa - the very same place where Ignatius had such intimate and life-changing interactions with God, Jesus, Mary and the ordinary people of his time. At Manresa we, too, had the opportunity to grow and deepen our faith, and to come to know and understand Ignatius the saint and the man who has left such a significant impact on the world for more than four centuries. 

The six-week Ignatian Immersion Course was presented by the team from The Centre of Spirituality at the “Cave of Saint Ignatius (Manresa)”, along with an outstanding team of scholars from universities in Rome, Madrid, Catalonia and India.

We began the course with a study of the spiritual experiences of Ignatius himself – experiences recorded in his Autobiography and his Spiritual Diary. We then reflected on our own spiritual experiences as we undertook an 8-day guided silent retreat.  We also studied the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and reflected on how Ignatian Spirituality can and does inspire people today.

For six weeks we followed the journey of Ignatius the pilgrim from Loyola to Montserrat, and then spent time finding the places in Manresa that were so significant in his formation, in his writings and in his life – places that are still important to people today.

As a participant on this course, the opportunity to live, breath and deepen my spiritual connections with the Ignatian story, in such a mystical place, was pure magic. Having worked alongside some very inspiring Jesuits for the past 33 years, it was wonderful to have the time to study, and to discuss in depth, the origins of the Society and the significant men, apart from Ignatius, who founded the Society.

It was exciting to spend time studying the early documents of the Society - documents that have served the Society so well for so long. It was also a privilege to read the letters of Ignatius that are so rich in history and the every day issues the first Jesuits faced in the early years of the Society.

I was also inspired by my three colleagues Larry, Jen and Stephanie, who work with the Australian Centres of Ignatian Spirituality which provide opportunities for people to participate in retreats and the Spiritual Exercises with trained spiritual directors. Our time together was a most memorable experience and we will certainly be Companions on a Journey for the rest of our days!

A team from the Australian Province has participated at each of the previous two Ignatian Immersion Course offered by the Centre of Spirituality in Manresa, Spain. The work being done by the Province, through its Centres of Ignatian Spirituality, providing retreats and the Spiritual Exercises to a wide range of people across Australia, is quite outstanding. 

To live with people from all over the world for six weeks could be, and was, a unique experience in itself. However, to share this wonderful Immersion with so many people from so many different contexts, but with a similar ethos and mission, will certainly enhance our lives and our ability to enhance the lives of others, forever.

Thank you to the team from La Cova, Manresa and the Australian Province for allowing each of us, and myself in particular, the opportunity to have such a remarkable Immersion.

Shane Hogan

Shane Hogan.  Jennifer Sanders.  Stephanie Brabin.  Larry Cox.

Holy ground

Video produced by George Ponodath, SJ, from India, during his participation at the Ignatian Immersion Course 2013, Cova Sant Ignasi.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Ignatian Immersion Course 2013: Overall Impressions from Participants

The Third edition of the Ignatian Immersion Course at la Cova Sant Ignasi in Manresa has concluded. Thirty-four participants from the five continents formed during these six weeks a temporal, plural and mixed community of Jesuits (17), religious women (6) and lay men and women (11). The course has a sapiential approach more than an academic focus and it includes a guided 8-day Ignatian retreat and pilgrimages to relevant Ignatian sites, such as Montserrat, Loyola and Javier. The course is grounded in the Cave, the holy place where St. Ignatius experienced his profound inner transformation by the Lord’s grace whom he wanted “in all things to love and to serve”.  
We thank the participants- “companions on the journey”- for sharing with us their resonances and impressions of the course and their experience. We thank them also for their comments on how to keep improving the overall and concrete aspects of their stay with us.
We let themselves express through the written testimonies that we have received. 
Our gratitude to each and all of them,
Ignatian Course Team

* * * * *
“This whole Immersion has been a life changing gift that I know will continue to be a grace as I return home and to my ministry. Each week was an unfolding of treasure and I am so grateful for each of our lecturers. I go back to my country with a deepened appreciation of Ignatius, the Spiritual Exercises and all of you, and much gratitude”.
* * * * *
“Overall, the course was excellent! Well organized, good in infrastructure, excellent “being looked after”, instructors who truly command their subject and who communicate their personal enthusiasm for it, very inclusive and multicultural liturgy, a deep underlying current of spirituality,…This course was superb!”
* * * * *
“… and now I go back to the world with new eyes”
* * * * *
“My deepest gratitude to you all for your welcoming presence, generosity, love, care and passion for this sacred place which you have passed on to me”.
* * * * *
“Discovered new aspects of self, renew a sense of joy, deeper love for the Jesuits, the Church and humanity. I have a better sense-knowledge of Ignatius and a more intimate sense of God’s invitation. I love, treasure this time and I’m profoundly grateful to you all”.
* * * * *
 “I am very grateful o the community of Manresa, Loyola, Javier for your hospitality and generosity. “Ignatian Immersion Course”, the name has proved its worth and value. The whole experience has been going deeper and deeper, into the depth of God. I am inspired and challenged to live by what I have experienced here. Each of you, especially the organizing team of the course, so generous, thoughtful, sense of humor, simplicity, humility- very exemplary. Well done! Keep it up! Do even better!”.
* * * * *
 “This 6 week Immersion course has met my desires, further immersing me in the Ignatian charism. This experience has put flesh onto many aspects for me, especially spiritually and knowledge/grounding of the foundations. My ministry within the “Companions in the Ministry of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises” has definitely been enriched, and this will enable my involvement with retreatants to be enhanced”.
* * * * *
We interacted with one another and I was enriched because of the diversity of our cultures, thoughts, aspirations,… It helped to see myself differently.
* * * * *
I found this place a Holy Place; a place of Encounter with God in a very unique way. It is a rediscovery of my roots as a Jesuit, it has offered a re-igniting of the light of my spirituality and I feel greatly enabled to face whatever mission that will be entrusted to me. The lecturers were not only masters in their areas but people who live out, who embody the charism they teach. The “community” worked out well bringing many nations together.”
* * * * *
 “It was a very good experience and what I learned from the time of novitiate became alive to me. I have journeyed with St Ignatius in his spiritual pilgrimage. The pilgrimages to Montserrat, Loyola, Javier, etc, was an excellent and enriching experience,…- not getting words to express it. With regard to the input given by the lecturers, they were very good and I was able to get new insights and interpretations of Ignatian spirituality. All of them tried their best to take us to the Core of the Ignatian spirituality”. 
* * * * *
 “Some experiences happen in your life at the right time and the right place. This was one”.
* * * * *
 “A well thought of and well crafted Immersion program. It has its own richness and uniqueness all of its own, treasures of the presence of historical spots meaningful to the life of St Ignatius, like the Cave and the Cardoner River, and the accessibility to Montserrat, Loyola, Javier, Barcelona,... The Immersion staff and lectures brought life and light to our life. We have experienced richness and greater freedom”.
* * * * *
 “The whole experience was most helpful. The lecturers were very knowledgeable and skilful in delivering the lectures. They journey with us. They were passionate.  I could go to the Cave at any time to pray. The gardens are also beautiful and conducive for reflection and prayer”.
* * * * *
 “I never imagined the intensity, the depth and the vast horizon of this Course”.
* * * * *
 “The Autobiography, the Spiritual Journal, the Spiritual Exercises, the Constitutions,…  the study of each one took me deeper. But it was the gift of the people (the professors) who shared their experiential knowledge that made my stay in Manresa an “Experience”.
 * * * * *
 “I am grateful and have had the privilege to be here in the holy place of St. Ignatius. All the programs run very well and helped me to go deeper and moving forward in the way of St. Ignatius in the Society of Jesus. It is a moment full of grace in preparing my final vows. It has enlightened and kindled my heart with the fire of Ignatian charism. (…) Manresa has given me an openness and inner freedom in my heart”.
* * * * *
 “To be at the Cardoner River and strive to have Ignatius touch my life more deeply. (…) Our participants became “Friends in the Lord”.
* * * * *
 “Everything was helpful. Loved my experience here and would recommend to other lay/ecumenical friends in Ignatian spirituality”.
* * * * *
 “It was a graced time; the physical space, the holy space, was the major source of joyful response. I liked the group, its geographic and ethnic diversity and natural friendliness”.

                                                                   * * * * *

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Ignatius in Montserrat

He hung up his sword and his dagger in the church… 
He took off his own costly garments and he then put on the pilgrim's dress…

Colgó la espada y el puñal en el altar…
Se despojó de sus vestidos y se vistió de peregrino…

IIC Pilgrimage to Montserrat

As part of their "immersion" experience, the IIC particpants went on a pilgrimage to Montserrat.
This was the transition day between the Autobiography and the Spiritual Diary.
After celebrating mass, all climbed up the mountain- by funicular or on foot.
There was a prayer in a cave that used to be an old hermitage.
Also picnic lunch, sharing, and contemplative moments.

Los participantes del Curso de Inmersión Ignaciana fueron de peregrinaje a Montserrat.
Misa, subida a las ermitas, oración, picnic, compartir, y momentos de contemplación, en el día de transición entre la Autobiografía y el Diario Espiritual de Ignacio de Loyola.

Multi-Generational and International Ignatian Encounter / Encuentro Multi-Generacional e Internacional

Last week-end the "Multi-Generational Retreat" took place in la Cova Sant Ignasi.
It is an Ignatian oriented retreat addressed to families with children. There were near 50 participants, 23 of which were young children from 12 to 4 years old.
Some of the children interacted casually with the Ignatian Immersion participants, showing a good level of English!

Eda from the Philippines offered beautiful rosaries to the young girls who showed themselves very grateful!.

Los niños del "Retiro multi-generacional"- un fín de semana ignaciano para familias- conversaron con algunos participantes extranjeros del curso de Immersión Ignaciana.
Eda, les regaló unas pulseras rosarios que había traído de Filipinas.
Encuentros ignacianos multi-generacionales e internacionales!

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Contemplative Prayer

The Cova offers a new large space for contemplative quiet prayer.
As part of the important work of restoration that is being undertaken at the Spiritual Center, the new 4th floor has been designed for contemplative practices.
On the week-end of 19-21th April it was inaugurated by a group of near 30 retreatants.


Contemplative prayer hall